Linda was a 5K runner her whole life. She was an active individual, but was never pushed past her limits. Her goal when she came to BRN was to complete a Half Marathon and be injury free. Three years ago she felt out of shape after having two kids. She was nearing 40 and didn’t think she could feel like and look like she did in her 20’s. She knew she needed a push and decided to begin a program.
Linda trained twice per week at BRN and did bootcamps when they were offered. She learned proper running form and focused on core, posture, and flexiblity for injury prevention. She also learned how to mentally push through walls when she thought she couldn’t do more.
Linda completed her first half marathon 13.1 miles. She performed a 9:44 mile average, which was her best pace ever. From training at high levels and pushing through her limits, she finished the race pain free. She was even able to drive two hours on the way home. She will continue to train at a high level. Her next goal will be an obstacle race in the near future.